Lady Tech Leader Adventures #1

Fawn Turner [00:00:01]:
Hi there. Welcome to Lady Tech Leader Adventures, the podcast that empowers and elevates women in technology through insightful discussions, inspiring stories, and actionable advice. I'm Fawn Turner, your host and founder of Lady Tech Leader. We are dedicated to helping women become influential leaders and achieve fulfilling careers in tech. Join us as we explore the journeys of trailblazing women and uncover key leadership strategies while sharing the tools you need to lead and succeed in the ever evolving tech landscape. Let's dive into today's episode and unlock the leader within you. Welcome to the premiere of Lady Tech Leader Adventures podcast, your guide to mastering leadership in the tech industry. I'm Fawn Turner, and I'm here to navigate you through the essentials of becoming a formidable leader in tech.

Fawn Turner [00:00:57]:
Today, we're setting the groundwork for a series that promises to transform form your approach to leadership. This podcast will delve into critical leadership skills, share success stories, and failures to learn from across female leaders in tech, including myself, and provide you with strategies to enhance your leadership capabilities. Each episode is crafted to empower you in your journey to the top, and make it more efficient than the trial and error process I took into leadership and management. And it took me years to get into management after I decided I was ready. The importance of leadership development. Developing your leadership skills is pivotal. As tech continues to evolve, the need for strong decisive leaders becomes more apparent. Women in tech, with their unique perspectives and innovative approaches, are invaluable at the helm of technology teams and initiatives.

Fawn Turner [00:01:51]:
I've seen initiatives. I've seen women peers over the years come up with the most innovative ideas because of their backgrounds, because of the things that they went through, in their childhood and early early careers. Strong leadership not only advances your career, but also drives your team and projects to success, proving that effective leadership is about inspiring action and fostering a collaborative environment. What you can all expect. Throughout our series, expect to uncover personal growth tactics, leadership skill enhancements, and tips from leading women who have carved their path in the tech world. This podcast will equip you with the necessary tools to amplify your leadership qualities and career trajectory. Join us as we explore effective leadership that will help you assert your presence and expertise in the tech industry. Okay.

Fawn Turner [00:02:50]:
So I digress. I have to tell you a story about why I laugh a bit when I say formidable leader in tech. Years ago, there was a Star Trek experience in Las Vegas. Right before the experience was retired, we took a quick trip to Vegas and got to see it. My husband and I went to the cafe for a bite to eat, and the servers were star track alien species. Our server was a tall Klingon female. As we were leaving, she saw me stand up, and her eyes got really big, and she stood up straighter just to tell me, my, you would be a formidable opponent. You see, I'm 6 feet tall and rose above her height, Not that I'm particularly scary, but I laughed and thought that was truly a treat to hear from a Klingon character.

Fawn Turner [00:03:41]:
Needless to say, we got a picture of the 2 of us. I'll have to find that for memory's sake and a little chuckle. Got to show my kids too. Alright. This part of the podcast, hopefully you will enjoy it, is called Women to Know. So today, we're talking about a woman you probably all know. And sometimes we'll be talking about women in tech, sometimes not in tech. But today we're dedicating our episode to a true pioneer, Marie Curie, whose legacy continues to inspire countless women in the scientific community.

Fawn Turner [00:04:21]:
Let's delve into her remarkable journey and enduring impact. Marie Curie was born in 18/67 in Warsaw, Poland. Despite the societal norms of her time, which often discouraged women from pursuing higher education, Curie's insatiable curiosity about the natural world propelled her forward. She moved to Paris to attend the Sorbonne, where she embarked on a scientific career that would change the world. Marie Curie was not only the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, but also the only person to win Nobel Prizes in 2 different scientific fields, physics in 1903 and chemistry in 1911. Her research on radioactivity, a term she coined herself, laid the groundwork for future scientific advancements. Her work was revolutionary from discovering 2 elements, radium and polonium, to developing mobile X-ray units during World War 1, which are estimated to have helped over a 1000000 wounded soldiers. Huge impact.

Fawn Turner [00:05:31]:
Marie Curie, her legacy is not just in her scientific discoveries, but also in her role as a mentor to other women scientists. She broke barriers in an overwhelmingly male dominated field, proving that women could contribute to and change science. Marie Curie was notably involved in mentoring other women scientists. 1 prominent example is her support for her daughter, Irene Joliet Curie, who also became a Nobel Laureate in chemistry. Curie also supervised the doctoral research of Marguerite Petit who later discovered the element francium. Through her actions, Curie demonstrated a commitment to fostering the careers of women in science, encouraging them to explore and contribute to fields traditionally dominated by men. She was a huge encouragement to me as well. I couldn't quite understand why she would hang out with radioactive material when I was younger, but it was amazing to know what she had accomplished and the dedication that she put towards her research.

Fawn Turner [00:06:40]:
Today, her legacy persists in the countless women who follow in her footsteps, emboldened by her example to pursue their passions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Let's keep that curiosity alive and continue to push the boundaries of understanding. Join us next time as we uncover more inspiring stories from the world of science. Don't miss our next discussion on overcoming gender bias and stereotypes, crucial for any leader aiming for excellence in tech. Remember, great leadership is about continuous learning and application. See you next time.

Fawn Turner [00:07:28]:
Thank you for tuning in to the Lady Tech Career Adventures. I hope today's episode has inspired you to push boundaries and elevate your career in technology. Remember, leadership is a journey, and you are not alone. For more insights and resources, including a community of strong tech ladies, go to And don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more stories and strategies that empower women in tech. Until next time. Keep leading, keep learning, and continue to make a difference. Goodbye.

Lady Tech Leader Adventures #1
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